
Friday, February 09, 2018


“Effort is another name for miracle”- Unknown

We cannot make our things beautiful without making the reality of what the true growth is. If we remain the same person every time doing the same thing, we cannot be successful. This is the burden in God’s mind and the reason for organizing these live-long lessons to shape our lives towards the fulfilment of His divine purposes. And as we make positive changes where necessary, we then trust Him that He knows the way and He shows the way. 

We want to continue where we stopped last week. The title is still Grow Your Life with the consideration of the LAW OF RUBBERBAND. If you did not read our last edition, you can contact us and we will be available to give you the copy. 

3.   Stretching Always Starts From The Inside Out: 
Reaching your potential is a journey that starts from the inside. Most people have dreams.  For some, it’s on the tip of their tongue, and for others, it’s buried deep in their hearts, but everyone has one. Unfortunately, not many people are pursuing their dreams. Rather than mere wishing, wanting and waiting, people need to search the inside of themselves for a reason to start. Begin to push forth what is being deposited on the inside of you today. It’s wise to remember that our situation in life is mainly largely determined by the choices we make and the actions we (or fail to) take.  The older we are, the more responsible we get for our situation.  If you are merely average or not closer to your dream this year than you were last year, you can choose to accept it, defend it, cover it up, and explain it away: or you can choose to change it, grow from it, and forge a new path. For you choose to change your situation, find a mentor. Someone who can help you see the image of yourself, who you could be, and not who you currently are; who will then use that image to inspire you to start stretching. Your success is contained in the abundance of your mind.

4.   Stretching Always Requires Change: 

You can’t get improved and remain unchanged at the same time.  It’s difficult to focus on your past and change in the present.  Yesterday ended last night.  To grow, you must be willing to let your present and future be totally unlike your past.  Your history is not your destiny. If you want to grow and change, you must take risks like forgetting your past.

5.   Stretching Sets You Apart From Others: 
Forget some of the most basic habits you learned in school.  Once you are in the real world – and it doesn’t matter if you’re 22 or 62 years old while starting your 1st job or your 5th. The way you get ahead is to ever-deliver.
Improving yourself is the best way to help your team.  Successful people set themselves apart because they initiate the improvement others need.  When you get better, those around you benefit.  Excellence has the potential to spread in the same way that mediocrity does.  The positives or negatives of a group always begin with one.  When you get better, so will other.

6.   Stretching Can Become a Lifestyle: 
When we stop stretching, I believe we really stop living.  We may keep on breathing.  Our vital signs may be working and yet we are dead on the inside and dead to our greatest possibilities. Too many people are dead but just haven’t made it official yet.  If you won’t be better tomorrow than you were today, then what do you need tomorrow for?

7.   Stretching Gives You a Shot at Significance: 
Significance is birthed within each of us.  If we are willing to stretch, that seed can grow until it begins to bear fruit in our lives.  What’s fantastic is that change within us challenges us to make changes around us, and our growth creates a belief in us that others can grow.  When that happens in an environment and everybody is stretching and growing, indifference is replaced with ‘make-a-difference’.  And that’s how we begin to change our world.

Growth stops when you lose the tension between where you are and where you could be.  For most people, as time goes by they lose the tension that prompts growth – especially if they experience any success.  But having less tension makes people less productive.  And it undermines the growth toward their potential. You can’t afford to be wasted, then start stretching now. You Shall Succeed.

You can do someone a favour by sharing this message and you shall be blessed.

Contact us for counselling, seminar, lecture, motivational programme and empowerment moment and God will give us grand to break barriers.

Pathfinder 08162865972, 07061116158, 07066620020. 
Instagram: Orodiran Oluwatosin Sunday


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