Drug suspect breaks crime records, refuses to use toilet for 24th day - UPDATES MEDIA NG || NO 1 MEDIA PLATFORM




Sunday, February 11, 2018

Drug suspect breaks crime records, refuses to use toilet for 24th day

A suspected drug courier has broken the record , having abstained from using the toilet for 24 days so far.
The Police arrested Lamarr Chambers on suspicion that he had ingested wraps of drugs , with the intent to sell them later .
It has been 24 days since Chambers was arrested by Essex Police for being a suspected drug dealer . And during those 24 days , he has not been to the toilet once .
Why , you ask ? Well , it is thought he allegedly concealed drugs on himself before his arrest as part of an operation targeting street crime .
Now , officers are waiting with bated breath for him to go .
Essex Police have been updating #PooWatch (as it is now known ) about any sudden movements – but they have had enough .
Speaking to Metro today , a spokesperson for the force said they will no longer be issuing updates . Instead, they will make one final announcement ‘ when he does what he needs to do ’.
The longest an inmate has gone without using the toilet is believed to be 23 days – so, Lamarr has now broken the British record .
Chambers has been charged with two counts of possession with intent to supply a Class A drug , failing to stop and driving without insurance.

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