The University; A Nazi Empire - UPDATES MEDIA NG || NO 1 MEDIA PLATFORM




Saturday, March 11, 2017

The University; A Nazi Empire

Taiwo Adeyinka writes from AAUA

Man has attained a considerable if not high level of achievement in fundamental human right and freedom to hold opinions albeit relative. But it seems that the Nigerian university community is hellbent on taking back man into the days where opinion against a higher authority is considered a punishable sin.

The frenzy to suspend, rusticate or expel students without proper investigation has become a retrace between different Nigerian institutions. The social media activities of students are being monitored closely like the CIA monitors the Al-Qeada. Criticize a policy of the Vice Chancellor and you are gone. Is this how you build a nation? when the academic community has turned itself into a brutal dictator with no regards for rule of law and fundamental human rights.

It is appalling to read that a certain V.C suspended a student for demanding for evidence on why he faced a panel and later expelled for not sobering up. There are so many power drunk V.C around these days and I beg to wonder that on what ground or criteria are they appointed?. Come to think of it,they are professors

The word 'professor' has lost respect among Nigerian students. It is only the people outside the academic community that revere the word and its bearers. It has lost its credence because most of the bearers have floundered and blundered in nation building. They have turned themselves into academic gods that cannot be questioned or challenged lest one will be guilty of heresy and blasphemy and on the long run,loss of studentship.

May I remind these people that the academic community is not stereotyped and students do not necessarily have to agree with everything that they lectured about and published. The institution has become a joke and we only attend to obtain a certificate.

The University is supposed to be the crux of development of a nation. A place where various researches are done and solutions are discovered to real life problems. It is a community where humanity should be championed, Where gullibility and ignorance should be erased and where illiteracy should be defeated. If the university fails to develop,the nation will fail to develop because this is where leadership and followership skills are attained to a certain degree. But reverse is the case;for we are being taught not to become leaders or followers but to become gullible and silent in the face of oppression and injustice.

I will not exempt the students in this article for we have sold our dinner to the cat and we are now hungry. It is more pathetic that we are even happy with being hungry and allowing the cat to feed. We will rather remain silent and be oppressed than to loose our studentship and our ticket to an imaginary good living.

Welcome to the future.

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