The final of the Skating soccer competition targeted at physically challenged persons in Nigeria and Ghana, will take place at the Independence Stadium in Accra, Ghana on Sunday, March 19. The competition, being sponsored by Binatone Group, had earlier taken place in Accra on January 15 and attracted many fans.
Among the teams that participated in the competition were Ashanti Warriors and Accra Giants but the high point will be the Ghana versus Nigeria match which promises to evoke the age-long rivalry between the two West African countries. Binatone Group Chief Executive Officer, Mr Sunil Lalvani, said the event is an innovation which is the first ever of its kind in the world. “We intend to popularize the project by making it seen and more appreciated by the citizens, sponsors, companies and tourist. The second and most important part of the project is to attempt to raise some funds through sponsorships in terms of branding for their upkeep and also probably set up provision shops for each of those who want it and provide capital for those who also want to trade.”
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