
Tuesday, March 07, 2017


"You can make a mistake but don't let your mistake make you"
We are Happy to have another opportunity to reaching us today after a period of unintentional break. We want to apologize for that as it's due to unbendable occurrence. Thanks for your concern and love.
It's always our heart desire to bring God's mind to us in order to tame our ways toward the ultimate fulfilment of purpose. As we sail the same boat together today, it's our prayer that we shall be fixed for better future in Jesus name.
Everyone makes mistakes? This statement may sound funny and even common to some of us. Yes, but as short as the sentence is, it determines the level of many people's success. I could remember when we started secondary school, I observed that as small as we were, there was this excitement in us. Everyone wanted to do great. We were moving with zeal and passion to hold beautiful future. But along the way, some began to drop down. We all made some mistakes which cost a large number of us to hang up their focus and accept defeat. Till now some remain defeated.
Recently, a research has shown that most of us in this generation are living below our potentials. We are living below the course of life. I wonder why it's like this. This generation should enjoy most crazy opportunities to leave the world better than how we met it. Because we have high rate development in technology and more advanced scientific innovations. Rather, we are still in a limited circle of live i.e. We are not giving the right output as expected. What is the cause of this?
This generation is full of people of great minds. It's full of people who God programmed for greatness to make indelible impact on earth. Devil knows it and he understands that everything God programmes is on the platform of our minds. He knows that the only way to alter God's programme is to affect our minds. So he causes us to make mistakes in several ways. Mistakes that are very hard to erase in our minds so that our minds can be reconfigure for lesser purpose. Some of us have been caught in this area. We are nothing but cluster minds who are making life a meaningless stage. We can't see reason to live as worthy as making progress towards the fulfilment of our goal. We have made enough mistakes in the past that engulfed our minds and killed our tastes for purpose realization. Until we deal with this, we can't make a proposed life God has for us.
The reality is that everyone makes mistakes but our approach to the mistake we make matters to our lives and God. God expects to stand up every time we see ourselves in a wrong side of life. He expects us to always see the way forward He has created for us in every down fall. We get to know this that God will never cast you out for anything you do but you can choose to be casted out. The real potential of God in you must be fulfilled irrespective of what you had done or will do. The only stigma that can affect it is your willingness to accept downfall and remain sick forever. The mistake you make is not the end of your life. It's not to destroy you but a challenge for you to become a better person. Some of us, God needs to allow us to make some mistakes in order to sharpen our orientations, some to humble us, some to become viable while some face trials from devil. But no matter what the reason might be, you can't just hold still and remain defeated.

Brethren, what is that experience that keeps holding you back? Is it your past failure? Is it that waywardness that you are finding difficult to forgive yourself? Is it that unwanted pregnancy that gives you a reason to be a washout? You did something horrible and you thought that you couldn't be a better person any more? Dear, all of us make mistakes but our mindset not to continue in our mistakes and live a better life is the best thing to do. You can correct your way. You can make a right decision today and start living a good life. Don't become so dull in that situation to the extent that you won't see good side of life. Think about some best things you have done in life. Think about those best ideas that reside in you. Think about your beautiful times. Yes, that is reasonable enough to tell you that the world is waiting for you. Mistakes are inevitable but the better way is to learn from our mistakes so that we can become a better person. Don't allow your mistake to make you. You can still become the best, It's in you. You can still have a better relationship. You can still possess that excellent spirit. God is good, He doesn't want you to die with your greatness,Just stand up and try again.
NOTE: if you make a mistake don't allow your mistake to make you. I pray that God will reform your life to suit His purpose in Jesus name.
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