‘Why My Mom Wept For Joy On My Convocation,’ Mololuwa Josiah - UPDATES MEDIA NG || NO 1 MEDIA PLATFORM




Sunday, December 25, 2016

‘Why My Mom Wept For Joy On My Convocation,’ Mololuwa Josiah

Josiah Mololuwa Oyinola is the best graduating 2016 student of Computer Science (ICT Option), Ajayi Crowther University (ACU), she spoke to ‘Ronke Sanya of greennews.ng on how her success moved her mother to tears and how she made it to top her class.

”It feels good to see the joy on my moms face for making her proud. I remember after my speech on my convocation day. I saw my mom shedding tears of joy and thanking me for making her proud. That day still remains my best moment. That feeling is irreplaceable,’’ she explained.


Her Mother’s joy, Her friends pride:

The dream of every mother is to see their children achieve what they never achieved. Mololuwa’s mom on her convocation did not only shed tears of joy. ‘My mom prayed for it all along and when it finally happened she was actually happier than me. My mom rolled on the floor and sang and gave thanks to God.”

 Mololuwa sure had friends who believed so much in her. ‘My friends are great supporters of my academic pursuits. They were so excited when they found out and they were ready to boast to anyone. My biggest fan is my colleague Toluwalase Adebayo Adeniji who graduated with a first class as well. He encouraged me all the way and was super excited when I emerged the best. As a matter of fact he was not surprised because he just felt I had what it takes and he was very proud. My girls Zara Nwolisa, Tomilola Ajetunmobi, Bukunmi Ibiyemi and Similoluwa Opayemi were so proud. They even went ahead to tell everyone that was ready to listen the number of semesters I made a 5.0.”

When asked if she had a boyfriend when she was in school, she laughed out loud and said, “why does this question always come up.  Yes, I was in a relationship while in school. The beautiful part is we didn’t just carry ourselves around as boyfriend and girlfriend we also read and prayed together.’’

Reading Habit:

One would be anxious if Mololuwa had a special reading pattern, but according to her she doesn’t really have any precise number of reading hours. ” I am an early sleeper so I set my personal time table to read during the day. I utilize my day very well and make sure I read at least two courses every day. I used my Saturdays and Sundays for reading as well at the appropriate times,’’ she said.

She however enjoy the serenity in the library than any other reading spot. “I would pick Library over the Hostel anytime because of the unnecessary noise and distractions. I also enjoyed reading in my faculty or class area. The hostel was better for assignments and calculations.’’

Going down memory lane on how her favourites course, she said, “I enjoyed my calculation courses more because even when I was tired I could still study them and understand,’’ and also, “I just made myself enjoy all my courses and study them regularly.

NYSC: Under the Sun And In The Rain    

Mololuwa, as at the time this interview was conducted was doing her mandatory National Youth Service Corp (NYSC) orientation camp at FCT Abuja. She has this to say, “Camp experience comes with mixed feelings. To be honest I only enjoyed like 20% of my camp life. The other part of it just had to do with deprived sleep, standing under the sun and being punished unnecessarily. Notwithstanding, it is an experience that can help you handle anything in the future because as it is I don’t think there is any sleeping condition I will find myself and I would not adapt now.’’

Mololuwa’s next agenda, according to her is Master’s degree at a foreign university and then a Doctorate degree. She also aims to be a senior lecturer in a prestigious university. “Lecturing has always been my passion,’’ she added


Her final words:

She has a final word of advice for Greennews.ng young readers.

“As a child my mum used to tell me to pray now so that I wouldn’t pray later. I didn’t understand this phrase until later in life, therefore to students I am saying ‘read now so that you wouldn’t read later’. Do the right thing at the right time. Apart from studying hard students should try to be punctual at almost all their lectures. I took my notes very seriously, that’s a mistake some people make. Left to me, every note counts and up till now I still have the notes and even the past questions I used in 200level. That’s how much I kept my notes because it helped me study and make reference.”

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