
Wednesday, November 23, 2016


"Your relationship defines your life"
As we bring this series to an end today. It's my thought that someone would have been touched with this life making and shaping messages. And that the Lord will uphold you and give you the best out of life. 
Today, we will pick one more point on What makes your life counts. And the salient point is RELATIONSHIP. As human beings, no body is capable of doing things alone. No one can live aloof. You and I are meant to connect to one another. We are chained to one another. Your life lies in the hands of some people around you. Likewise someone's life lies in your hands too. This is the main reason we need each other. This may sound funny but it's true that you can't be greater than the type of friends you keep. This is for you to know that you can't just keep any how friends. God has wired us together but you have to locate people that will help your destiny. You have to connect only to the right men. Your connection to the wrong people will jeopardize your altitude. You have to learn this lesson and learn it well. 
Relationship is an essential part of life. We can't do but to have some. It tells on our achievement in life. There was this a man that decided to travel to a far country to see the king of the city. The criteria for seeing the king had been given and among them is coming with no money because in the palace of this king there is always abundance. The man looked for his friends and told them to journey with him. They agreed but they were people who believed that nothing could be done without money. They took some amount along with them with an aim to buy or bribe their way into the king's court. They were helping their friends. On getting to the gate. The man presented his crew to the gateman. The gateman search through everyone and found money on his friends but he, himself had nothing on him. The gateman had no option but to deny them access to the king. That's how the best opportunity was lost. 
Dear brethren. Your life depends on the people you keep around. You have to tame your relationship. Your friends have greatest chance to influence your thought, decisions and character. And that's why you are controlled by your relationship. If you have a great foresight and you move with friends with no foresight, they will surely kill your sight. You have to rake people that you will allow into your circle. 
There are two things you must know or better still, there are two things you must do. 
1. Select the best relationship for your life. You may come across so many people in life but you should not allow everyone into your life. Some people will not help your destiny. They are destiny eater. Runaway from them. Do a selective relationship. Don't waste your life around clueless people. People that have no goal for themselves. They will kill your goal if you have one. It doesn't matter who the person is, if someone can not contribute positively to your life. Please, move away and get more honorable relationship. Many people have gone into this mess and they are forgotten. 
2. Don't go around without a relationship. It kills faster than anything. Isolation kills. God defines us with definite connection with one another. You need people who can pull you up when you are down. You need people of the same version and vision with you. You need encouragers who can bring out the best in you. If you lack them, your success rate is low. But all what you can do, is to filter your quiver and decide on which kind of friends you need to keep. That problem on your mind can become nothing if you have a problem solver friend. Your life can be better once you enrich your life with better friends. 
NOTE: If your life is full of gold and you have  wasteful friends, you will be less than a church mouse. 
If that relationship doesn't define you positively, please cut it today... You life is too essential.
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